Sunday, December 05, 2021

i went back to the doctor to get another shrink

howdy pop pickers

rock musicians and pop stars kicking off about stuff what is not to do with vibes is hardly anything new, look you see. in the sixties they protested stuff like the vietnam war and restrictive drug laws, and in the seventies they protested stuff like restrictive drug laws and other things. by the eighties, of course, for reasons not clear it was determined that the likes of Sting, Bono, Jim Kerr and to a lesser extent Bruce Springsteen should be allowed to direct how the world worked on every level, be it political or ecological or what have you. that went ever so well, as can be seen in the perfect world we now have. 

did this happen historically? yes, probably. no doubt Beethoven got irked by something - perhaps the treatment of deaf people with boss hair in his time - and no doubt all them what wrote hymns got upset about something or other. so no, nothing new. 

every now and then, mind, one gets to see a musician kicking off about something or other that one would not immediately expect them to. like, for instance, this headline i saw, where it seems that Pete and Roger are a bit concerned with how the invisible war on the new plague is going. 

i was like, yeah, ok. to be fair, health concerns are a massive issue for The Who. for many, many years they have put all sorts of time and effort into the Teenage Cancer Trust which they are patrons of, and well done and full credit to them for it. also, Roger Daltrey has been a lifelong apologist for The Krays, failing to comprehend why they were ever sent to prison as they only "ever really killed their own sort". 

they, Pete and Rog, The Who, are very, very far away from being alone in being concerned about coronavirus or covid or whatever they are calling the plague this week. but why, exactly, the BBC has elected to make their concerns headline news is baffling. i mean, true, in the highly unlikely event that they had said something positive about plague then yes, probably, that would be noteworthy enough to be the main story. but that The Who consider it all to be a pile of sh!t is, well, the standard view. 

yet this could be the turning of a tide, i suppose. often i have expressed the theory, wish, ambition or ideal that Roger Daltrey would punch, square in the face, anyone who failed to purchase his magnificent records, or anyone who spoke ill of the vibes of The Who. should be apply this approach to the plague, well, i expect the invisible war against it shall be won very, very quickly. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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