Friday, March 13, 2020

uf6 الكعكة الصفراء


just one of them random sort of posts, look you see, on something which took my fancy. and, for no apparent reason, what took my fancy was the mysteries and curiosities of them there 'ufo' things. which are unidentified flying objects, or alien visitors.

no, so far as i am aware, i have not had any direct (or indirect) encounters (or experiences) as such, bar seeing absolutely every episode of X Files at least once and many twice. do i, for the want and the wish of a better expression, "believe" in such things? it is not a subject i am prepared to use such strong, committal phrases on.

below are some images and videos what claim (purport) to feature these ufo things, doing their thing. one or two are clearly tricks of the light or the creator, others not obviously so. over to you so as you may see that which you would wish.

let's start with the obvious first step. is there, somewhere "out there", other life? without any, or at the very least not a great deal of direct, evidence, i think we have to say yes. assuming what we are told is true, which is the "universe" is limitless, that it has no start nor end (what, after all, would be on the other side of such?), then any sort of humanistic theory of probability - accurate or wildcard - is going to say that such is "highly likely".

to go another step, then, with the second taking place right after we accept that there is probably some variation of life out there. could, or would, life out there be more "advanced" or "evolved" than we find ourselves as being? highly debatable. for everyone that says humans are surely at the bottom end of the universal evolutionary scale, someone shall say no, we are the business end, us humans are as good as the universe can produce and it shall get no better.

but, for the sake of simplicity (fluidity, perhaps) here, let us acknowledge, whilst allowing for the term to be relative, "advanced" is a certain, distinct possibility. advanced enough to be able to travel what we measure as billions (millions) of miles (kilometers, you frenchies), safely and in such a way that they could return to their "home planet"? one again, to keep things easy, let us say "yes".

why, then? i mean, for what reason is it that these aliens (visitors) would use such to come all away across the universe (if that is "far" for them) to our corner of our galaxy, just to dart around a little bit quite fast, and then vanish? that is all they seem to in any of the "captured footage", bar (depending on your proclivity to believe such) the odd bit of human abduction and violation, crop circle creation and inexplicable cattle mutilation.

of course, they seem to dart around a bit quite fast and then vanish in terms of a very human being way of looking at it. this is us seeing what we are conditioned to see, from our perspective. there are, i suppose, an infinite number of things that we could not even begin to imagine that they are doing. also, allowing for enstein's theory on such, time and space are relevant. what we perceive to be seconds could, to another form, be hours.

and what of no contact, communication, interaction or "evidence" (as in stuff left rather than these debatable sightings) of them being here? well, again, you run the gamut of humanity. by our perspective they seem not to. for all we know, yes, all this kind of thing has happened, and in their way, they have indeed done all of the things that i mentioned, and more, frequently.

there is a particular dynamic, or dilemma, which i am very fond of. it has troubled some of our greatest artists, as well as simple minds such as mine (and not simple minds the band). not sure if it has a proper name, but i guess you could call it the "reverse reality" paradox. what we accept as reality is in fact a "unified dream state" for us all, and that place in which our dreams happen is our actual reality as we know it. such would explain much.

how does that last part relate to ufo or alien sightings? well, it does and does not, i guess. there is so little we actually understand of the human condition that seeking to comprehend another life formation strikes me as being, at best, ambitious. i can't do it, but if you can, then nice one.

a brief consideration of the various items of folly with these "ufo" sightings, and what have you, then. mostly, they really do assume that the human form really is the business end of evolution; it shall not get any better. hence, the "craft" we see all appear to be ones we would easily visualise people of a human size being quite comfortable in. most 'alien encounters' also involve meeting someone (some thing?) of a slightly altered but basically humanoid shape.

one of the interesting crossovers, or agreements, between ardent evolutionists and convinced creationists (can't we all just get along) is that mankind is "perfect" for our planet. whether that was via means of evolution to adapt to the planet or because we were created such does not, for the moment, matter. on this broad level, the important thing is that any alien who evolved to be so much like us would have had to do so on a planet very, very, very similar to ours.

which prompts other questions. if their physical form is so adapted to a planet similar to ours, just how is it they have different resources to be able to travel so? or what are we missing with ours that prevents us from the same? yes, i know, to some the answer is "but we can", just government conspiracies, majestic twelve, etc, are preventing us from doing it.

my main issue, or query, or question mark around "alien visitors" and "ufo sightings" is the remarkable lack of them over the last ten or so years. oh sure, there have been some, but not, to put it bluntly, f***loads of them. and there should have been.

our world, and this really is now a planetary wide phenomenon, is overloaded with more cameras than we could possibly need. we have cameras welded to phones, cycling helmets, cars, buildings, remote areas, everywhere. i am not sure of the stats in a specific sense, but i seem to recall reading that more video is shared across the internet in one day than it would ever be possible for one person to watch in a complete lifetime.

perhaps it is just my thinking on the subject, but surely all of that shared video is not just recordings of people doing that sort of thing, or weird things happening in traffic. i would reasonably have expected, going on accounts prior to cameras being everywhere, thousands of videos of aliens and ufos to be taken every year for the last four or five years, if not every month. but, apparently not. unless some sort of government agency is very good indeed in getting them offline very quickly, the way they apparently cannot with anything illegal or similarly unfortunate.

it would probably be very nice indeed if there were any of them alien things out there, or if any of these ufo sightings were true. this, however, would be in the "cool" or "that's nice" sense, for i can see no practical benefit or visible difference such would make based on what is known. unless, of course, some of these incidents are true, and the contact made has had an effect, but we are just wildly unaware of the how and why of it. which again means it does not really matter, for we are unaware of it.

the truth is i, we maybe, don't understand that will seemingly intrinsic in all life that we know that to preserve and fight for the continued survival of life is usually at the forefront of action. exactly how we could comprehend another form of life when we do not really know our own is, once again, probably all too much for my simple mind and limited imagination.

just dig what you dig, really, and believe in whatever gets you through this life, doing so in a way that does not interfere with others doing the very same.

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