hi there
there are some things which are quite pleasant to do in even numbered years, look you see. one such activity (although you should really strive to do an even number of them in even numbered years) is to take in all that there is to offer in Spennymoor. or not, if you do not particularly wish or (nor) care for such a thing.
my most recent trip might not (or might not) have been, strictly speaking, in an even numbered year, but we are here now. since here is where we are at, let us have a look at what i saw, or if you like observed, on this most recent expedition. or excursion, i suppose. trip or visit, even.
yes, the drinking habits of the place. well, perhaps more precisely, the social aspects or elements of such; indeed it is entirely possible to best describe it as the dependency drinking. i am really in no position to either speculate or say if the consumption of certain, strangely specific alcoholic drinks is due to an enthusiastic social life or an addictive condition. both have merits and faults, i suppose.
one of the specifics i mentioned above (or in the last paragraph) is the nature of the vessels in which such drinks are held. as you should more or less (within reason) be able to see in the pictures, it would seem that in the Spenny they are passionate and enthusiastic about them little miniature bottles of booze you can get. which are some how different from the bit or massive miniature bottles you may be able to get, now that i think on the subject after having typed that.
it is entirely possible to say that this post is just as much about the littering habits of the people of the Spen, too, i suppose. or those that are fortunate enough to make a trip to it. my ability to view and observe these (presumably) empty (i didn't look that close) miniature booze bottles came about mostly due to how they were discarded on a street.
do i approve of littering, or the casual discarding of items no longer wished for by their custodian? certainly not. although such behaviour allows for me to write things such as this, since i would not see such, then believe me i would be as happy as you not to have composed what you are reading now. waste, rubbish, litter and so forth should always be disposed of in a responsible way, with opportunities to recycle or reuse always being explored.
to go back to the specifics i mentioned above (now a few paragraphs ago), it would seem that, at the least in this particular area (or aspect) of the S, it is just southern comfort which is the tipple of choice. yes, it is entirely possible for one to make a comment on a drink referencing the south to be quite so popular in a place renowned (celebrated, even) in a place so north. but no, it is not for me to make any such comment.
why do i think miniature bottles of southern comfort are so popular up there? it is a rather splendid drink. also, not sure if you can really say popular, as i think i saw just the three empty bottles. perhaps it was four, and i only took images of three. or two, and i pictured one of them twice, sorry, i cannot remember.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!