hello there
or, perhaps (actually) more correctly (or if you like to be correct) hello from the last weekend of April this year. having just watched this Avengers Endgame business, look you see, i felt it was in keeping with the general consensus of spirit to put some distance between today and the publication of this, lest i be accused of "spoilers". surely it would be that all who wish to see the film "spoiler free" will have done so by now, or take a chance in continued reading of stuffs concerning the movie here on the internet.
i will, perhaps, go a little bit further on that. whereas people tricking others into seeing "spoilers" that they did not wish to see is quite mean spirited, for someone to actively read an article on something which they don't want to know the details of is curious. that would be curious in the sense of "let's have a go at russian roulette". whereas i would respect all who wish to avoid specifics and do place warnings when i might do it, you would think some - the majority of it, as point of fact - of the onus to avoid such would fall firmly with the person wishing to avoid it.
a spoiler free overview? sure. the film fluctuates between being good, quite good and very good. mostly the first to dominate, whereas in the previous film it was decidedly the latter which prevailed. this is a movie which does the job intended and wanted, one that is difficult to see possibly being made any better than it is, but ultimately doesn't "push to a new level" which was the case with a high percentage of the Marvel films before it.
right, for the benefit of those still yet to see it but wish to remain bereft of information, here you go, a brightly coloured, quite clear warning that *** SPOILERS AHEAD *** be true for the rest of this post. so, don't read if you don't want to, and if you do, no one can say that the signs were not present not to do so.
plot? well, as was widely speculated from what was shown in the trailer, yes, our intrepid heroes, or if you like The Avengers, seek to use the magic of time travel to try and undo "the snap" from Avengers Infinity War, when Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out half, or if you will 50%, of all life in the universe, so as to protect and preserve the resources available.
what i was not expecting was how this was structured. you saw the warnings, yeah? it took me by surprise to see the film start with survivors some 3 weeks after the snap finding Thanos and killing him, with the "time travel solution" coming only 5 or so years after that. of the "major" character departures in this film, 66% of them were fairly obvious as the character story arcs has pretty much been done. the other 33%, however, rather took me by surprise as the character in question would have appeared to have had more stories to tell......
my favourite part of the movie? the way in which a "retired" Thor is out of shape and apparently dressing like The Dude out of The Big Lebowsk now means that i can claim to have the body of a god off of norse mythology. cheers for that. second favourite part was undoubtedly the all too short look at 1970 Michael Douglas. he looks really, really smart.
the third favourite part was how the fallout of Infinity War was handled. in the various perspectives of how people carried on after the "snap" - and yes i would include the reflections of Thanos in this - is a key, crucial example of how and why these films were all so good. character development, dramatic content and a strong plot development have always been as important as the flashy effects and action sequences.
ultimately the "problem" with Endgame is a quite good one we have seen before, at least twice, with The Dark Knight Rises and Blade Runner 2049. all three films were superb, excellent and as well made as they possibly could have been, but when you hold them up to their predecessor it becomes apparent that there was just no obvious way to surpass what had been before.
where next for all things Marvel? in terms of what is known, i believe Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 is on the way. that might now, however, be better called Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Thor 4. also, i am sure i heard another Spider Man film was coming. otherwise, perhaps they will announce a whole other wave of movies, as and when they feel that anyone looking to avoid Endgame spoilers has done so.
for now then, that would be this post done.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!