Friday, March 29, 2019

commodore 64 car wash

hello there

if it was, or is, look you see, the case that there was a game called carwash or car wash made for the Commodore 64, then sorry. should you have come here looking for more details about a game what i have never heard of, there will be none here.

this, rather than what it is not, is rather just another example of me refusing to withhold from you, the reader, any or all exciting things which happen or occur as i try to make my way through life. it's all a matter of perspective of course, but i would respectfully suggest that if your life is pretty much mundane, routine and dull, then a visit to the car wash is truly indeed an exciting detour.

yes, that one picture is it, alas. i had made one of them animated "GIF" things, in Commodore 64 mode, of them massive roller things brushing down the windscreen. for some reason, however, it did not save on the phone. no, i was not prepared to spend somewhere either slightly north or south of £4 once more to go through it again just to try and film once more.

without much in the way of doubt it is entirely possible that i shall visit a car washing mechanism facility once again. if i do, then perhaps i shall be able to capture a more moving visual of it all for you. but, for now, this shall just have to do.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!