Thursday, February 07, 2019

the only living seagull in hartlepool revisited

hey there

sometimes i do wonder what it would be life if i solicited requests, look you see. not requests in any general sense, but specifically for what appears on here. one really suspects, however, that if i did do such, then either there would be silence, or a smattering of people asking nicely for me to simply "stop writing". yes, one or two would also give every indication that i should "go f*** myself" or similar such crass vulgarity.

with all the above being what it is, the only thing at this stage i can do with regards to requests, then, is to accept "tacit" requests. as somewhere (not very far) north of one hundred of you dear readers have had a look at my post on (the possibly factually inaccurate) the only living seagull in hartlepool, i am assuming that a return to this is something that is wanted.

it is. surely i am safe to believe, likely that what some of you are saying is that you want more details of this magnificent specimen, this winged creature that is off of all of the air, the sea and the land. here, then, is more. yes, some six months after the incident linked in the previous paragraph, i made a return to seek out what i believe to be the only living seagull in hartlepool, which i have indeed linked there again to save you on scrolling.

yes, indeed, if you look at the previous pictures (no i am not linking again) you can see that he/she/it, the only living seagull in hartlepool, has grown somewhat in size over the course of six months. quite fascinating, perhaps that Attenborough fellow would consider one of them smart documentaries what he does on the subject.

what was i doing back in hartlepool? lots of different things, really. in terms of what i am prepared to say on the record here, let us just accept that i am committed to visiting the place at least once a year, and i hadn't been (so far as i am aware) thus far in 2019. also, wouldn't it be lovely just to think i went all that way to go and see the (possibly) only living seagull for you all?

have i been, as an aside of sorts, anywhere other than hartlepool? goodness me yes, lots of different places. for those of you somewhat curious about how i am looking at the moment (or close to it), here you go, one of them "selfie" things.

this was in one of the more picturesque - indeed lovely - villages, or if you will hamlets, on the outskirts or outside of Leeds. a fairly conventional drive down there, blessed with roads free of ice and snow for the most part, i got on with what i needed to get on with, and then had a jolly decent spot of lunch prior to leaving the place.

is it still so that hartlepool remains passionately committed to fining those who dare to drive to the place until their wallets bleed and they are left on the verge of bankruptcy? as far as i am aware yes, but i did not experience this on this voyage. rather interestingly, and perhaps infamously, the bbc did one of them "expose" things on hartlepool, highlighting how they only had 6 (or was it 10) police officers serving the place due to "budget cuts". as the hartlepool economy would seem to rely solely on parking fines (well, to a lesser extent tourism too), they still somehow manage to find the budget for around 3,000 traffic wardens.

just think, then, as you look on this next picture of the only living seagull in hartlepool. all of the cars that you see in the surrounding area will have been given parking fines on many occasions, with some of them suffering this once or twice on that day alone.

as i saw one or two other seagulls on the same day, flying together and also just sitting down and hanging around, no, then, this isn't really the only living seagull in hartlepool. but if it were, then how lovely it would be as the last ambassador for its kind.

further, it would also be lovely if this was indeed the very same seagull i saw in the middle bit of last year. let us assume that it is, or was, despite the fact that i cannot offer any proof to that end.

well, anyway, that's that for now. time to get on with other matters.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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