it has occurred to me, look you see, that i have let you all down. so far as i am aware i have not nearly presented enough images of The King, Elvis Presley in Commodore 64 mode. this is despite me having the Commodore 64 mode imaging capacity for some five years.
saying sorry for this is, i know, only going to go so far in appeasement. what would be better, to be sure, is for me to simply upload loads and loads of pictures of His greatness and His majestic ways in that particular format, all for your viewing pleasure.
to best curate these images of The King, Elvis Presley, i have selected not one, not three but two films featuring Him. they are the celebrated Aloha From Hawaii film, which featured the unusual sight of The King, Elvis Presley crossing a body of water of significance, and Elvis : That's The Way It Is. in truth the latter is one of my all time favourite things of all time; i have at least two copies of it on DVD and the most splendid double CD of it. yes, i may well pick up further copies, just because.
perhaps this goes without any need to say so, but yes, then, 70s era, so called Vegas era The King, Elvis Presley is indeed my favourite. all of us, when we hear His name, picture Him as our preference for His style and His era. this just so happens to be mine. not that i object to the others.
have i used my newly discovered deft skills and abilities with respect to being able to make those "animated GIF" things in Commodore 64 mode so as to present The King, Elvis Presley in such a manner? of course, indeed, here you go.
to create them is needlessly complex. for a start, Commodore 64 mode camera has a "lag" of a couple of seconds (perhaps one) between what you see on the screen and what you capture. making one of these GIF things becomes all the more problematic, for one must allow for that lag, plus for some reason it makes you count down 7 seconds before making the actual 7 second GIF.
with this in mind, then, i did the best that i could do. my hope is that it is sufficient and pleasing, and that you enjoy watching them on repeat, quite as i do.
a seemingly perpetual, if not maybe eternal, question concerning The King, Elvis Presley and his relationship with the other Vegas stalwart, Mr Sinatra, is somewhat partially answered by Elvis : That's The Way It Is. this is a tacit, or otherwise implied, answer, and comes in the form of the presence of Glass Eye, himself, Sammy Davis jnr, being in attendance at one of the six performances recorded for the purposes of the documentary.
there is absolutely no way that Glass Eye, no matter what independence or freedom he believed he had, would be in the presence of The King, Elvis Presley if Mr Sinatra had expressed a wish that it was not to be so. it is how it all worked, to be sure. and it worked beautifully for all, so long as no one rocked the boat.
whereas Mr Sinatra was known to be not at all fond of this "rock and roll" business, he did have a strong, professional relationship with The King, Elvis Presley. to this end, thus spoke Mr Sinatra concerning The King, Elvis Presley -
"a warm, considerate and generous man"
there can be but few accolades or other such appraisals one could receive in life that would match having such praise placed upon you by Mr Sinatra. no one, i fear, shall ever speak such of me.
yes, another of them animated GIF things, in Commodore 64 mode, above, for you. that is indeed taken from the celebrated Aloha From Hawaii one. my DVD of it says it is the "special edition", but i do believe there is another, even more special "special edition" out there. i am certain i saw a variant where He, The King, Elvis Presley, arrives on a helicopter at the start. no such scene is on my disc.
would i purchase another copy of Aloha From Hawaii if i was certain that the second, additional copy had that scene in it? perhaps. to be honest, it is quite rare that i watch it, opting instead for the splendid ways of the Elvis : That's The Way It Is one.
actually, i've got the most excellent disc one of the most excellent Prince From Another Planet set on, featuring Him, The King, Elvis Presley, performing for the people of New York, i think. He is informing the audience, through the conduit of song, as is His way, that He has "never been to Spain". one tends not to hear modern musicians do that sort of thing, not that i particularly listen to such. well, why would i, when it is the case that i have ample recordings of The King, Elvis Presley to have on the stereo?
on a not entirely unrelated note, there is one splendid thing in Elvis : That's The Way It Is. well, no, sure, there are many splendid things in it, for i think He is off screen only for a few seconds. but, specifically, a segment of a show - when He performs Love Me Tender - is marvellous.
in His wisdom and His generosity, during the song The King, Elvis Presley wanders along the stage and around the audience, allowing (and remember this was the 70s so there was little in the way of crossover or that sort of thing) female members who so wish to do so to kiss Him, and gentlemen patrons to bow in His presence and shake His most noble hand.
there is, you would think, absolutely no way such would happen today. for a start, just which musician would command that kind of sentiment or wish for expression in an audience? exactly, none. also, even if there was, it would be a minefield of lawsuits, allegations and "public liability insurance" claims, whatever they are. for better or worse (yes, worse), we have created a society where things are simply not allowed to just happen as they are. i do suspect that He, The King, Elvis Presley, would be quite sad with the state of affairs of today, should he ever observe and comment on such.
i think that the animated GIF, in Commodore 64 mode, of The King, Elvis Presley, is the favourite one of the ones what i have made thus far. no doubt at some stage, should time permit and i remember, i will make more of Him, but for now this is my number one.
also, looking for words to fill in around all these pictures and animated GIF things what i have, the next image of Him, in Commodore 64 mode, to be sure, is a most splendid one and i am very happy with it.
if you took a moment to read the last bit of text then you may have observed that i appear to be a bit short of things to write. quite right. honestly as much as i would like to ramble on about His greatness, the purpose of all this is really just to admire Him, as presented in Commodore 64 mode.
there was just a lovely moment on this Prince From Another Planet disc what i am listening to. on it, He, The King, Elvis Presley, introduced the chap or if you like gentleman he had on stage whose sole purpose it was was to hand The King, Elvis Presley scarves and a drink of water as and when He wished for either. so, two sole purposes then.
as far as i am concerned, or aware, no musician in the present day warrants having such an assistant. if, for example, someone like that Ed Sheeran bloke said he wanted someone to be on stage to hand him water, he would probably get told to f*** off by the concert organisers, and rightly so. even if they agreed, who on earth would wish to do such a job? no one is in need of work that badly. why would anyone care if he was thirsty or for some reason required a scarf?
not that i am picking on that Ed fellow. the same is true of all "modern", and i use the next word very carefully, musicians. they just do not have the stature, the class, the appeal or level of interest what one finds with The King, Elvis Presley, or indeed Glass Eye or Mr Sinatra, to mention them again. whether it is that Sheeran, or Mr Kim Kardassian, or that lad off of Detroit who seems angry with his Mum and doesn't quite grasp what retirement means, they are all interchangeable and perfectly disposable.
this is not at all like The King, Elvis Presley. it's not so much that we shall never see the like of Him again, rather we have built a word where the rise of someone so special and spectacular is now impossible.
which, i guess, makes it all the more relevant or important to cherish these images of Him, The King, Elvis Presley, in Commodore 64 mode.
another bit of animated GIF in Commodore 64 mode action of The King, Elvis Presley very much in action, doing his thing? certainly.
that is indeed off of the trailer for Elvis : That's The Way It Is, and captures one of my most favourite bits, when He goes off biking around the MGM studios. on a tandem, no less, with one of His people or associates or similar on the back.
well, that's that, then. undoubtedly at some stage i shall make more Commodore 64 mode images and animated GIF things featuring Him, The King, Elvis Presley. but perhaps i shall not add them all at once as was the case here. although this was far from being all the images i created.
hopefully you have found this to be all as splendid as i have.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!