Sunday, January 04, 2015

street life

hello there

well, another unplanned, or if you like spontaneously inspired, post for you to have a gander at, look you see. do i ever have a planned post? why yes, as it happens i did intend to post a review of the finally watched Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes today. i still might, let's see how we go.

in the mean time, a Sunday morning check of my mail took me off to a video link that my Dad had shared with me via someone else. was in, in the light of his dogging activities, reluctant to click on the link, fearing seeing something that might be far more appropriate for Spiros? why yes, i was. the reluctance, however, was misplaced, for it was a - by my Dad's standards - perfectly normal video.

yes, it was a video of him performing - if you like busking - in the street with a mate of his. a rather large video file, it has to be said, recorded on one of them iTunes phone thingies. which is probably why it was shown sideways on the web.

a still of a video is nice, especially as it shows off the trademark red shoes and that, but i know you all want to have a screening of the video. this was something of a challenge to do for you all, as it happens, but let's see if it works.

if the above has worked, and it's tricky to check whilst i am "upping" it, then the video should be the right way around. the video also, alas, misses out the first minute or so of the performance - the file was damaged and kept freezing, so i just trimmed it.

hopefully this plays back for you as it should, with the added bonus of sound, so that you may be able to take in the scene as far as possible. if for some reason the video does not play, or is simply not satisfactory for you, i dare say that for a nominal fee you can arrange for this band to come and perform for you at your premises, so long as you cover (generous) expenses. they are contactable, perhaps collectable, via the usual website that i think i need to go and update. 

in the mean time, then, another picture from this what can only be described as great gig.

will my Dad be regularly performing in the street and randomly sending me links to videos of it? there is every chance of this being the case, dear reader, so i will say yes maybe. yeah, go on then, if more follow i shall also put them up here for your viewing and indeed listening pleasure.

more, like that film review i mentioned possibly, as and when it does happen!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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