Tuesday, February 02, 2016

where the light gets in

hey there

it has been, look you see, quite an extraordinary start to the year in vibes, has it not? we've gone through the veritable best and worst of times with the vibes - some great albums already released, some very sad departures from the planet of those who made vibes that people loved, and of course one particular combination of the two. this week was, thankfully, a time for the perpetuation, or if you like continuation, of the best of these times with the Primal Scream sort of releasing, or if you like "dropping" a new single on Monday.

i really still can't accept these "digital only" affairs as being an actual, proper release of a single, but that's the channel these days. at the least i am sort of getting used to it. anyway, no matter, Monday saw the "release" of Where The Light Gets In, the first single off of Primal Scream off of their new or if you like next album. i think the new album is called Chaosmosis or something like that, and it will be here mid-March.

i guess that Primal Scream are also having a few issues with all the "new" ways too, for they decided to release, or if you are one of them f****** millennials "drop" this single on a Monday. at some point last year, for reasons never made clear, they decided to change the day on which the charts are compiled and made public from the traditions of Sunday to the heinous ways of Friday. the effect of this, for the most part, has been to see release dates for vibes shifted to a Friday rather than the traditions of a Monday in order to maximise sales. well, that has been the effect and of course to also make the charts increasingly irrelevant. the refusal by Primal Scream to "drop" this last Friday, then, suggests they've given up the idea of commercial / chart success.

which is kind of strange, for as this clip sort of reveals, the song is a very catchy pop one.

if that clip doesn't work - and there is an increasing number of devices and browsers on which blog videos do not perform - i would suggest you buy the download for 99p anyway, or listen to one of them "stream" things of it that the kids do these days instead of illegally downloading them. alternatively, here is the official video for it.

who is the lady, or if you like lass, singing on the song? Sky Ferreira it says here. nope, no idea who she is, but Bobby Gillespie likes her and that's good enough for me.

actually i am quite surprised that music videos get made still. i mean, there's no physical singles to buy any more, and with things like Top Of The Pops gone there is no platform to show them where millions see it and get inspired to buy it. also, they tend not to release music promo videos for sale or to buy any more. sure, you can buy a few old U2 ones off of iTunes, but the kids of today don't listen to U2, let alone watch them.

will this single hit the charts? hope so. it's difficult to tell any more, what with dozens of things other than sales counting. i think the only real way for a single to chart these days is for Adele or that Justin fellow to do it, or have it licensed for a car advert or something.

this song will do for a month or six weeks or so, and i am very much looking forward to the new album. the last two the band did, Beautiful Future and More Light, were most smart, but seemingly not well received by a larger audience - i check these things and neither made it into the top 50 or top 100 albums of the year in any of the magazines theoretically about music for the year they were released.

yeah, me being alive and well on the day it is released will see me head to HMV on the day that Chaosmosis or whatever it's called on the day of release to proudly wave coins of money to buy it. quite possibly the new James album too, which i believe is on the same day. a very 90s feel that day shall have, then, but in a good way.

more as and when things of interest, consequence or boredom happen!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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